Mass Save® incentive processing

Gridly makes sure that you optimize the rebates available for your Solectrification project

Collecting Your Mass Save® Incentives

From insulation upgrades to clean heating and cooling equipment installation, the Mass Save® program provides some of the most attractive rebates and financial incentives in the country. 

Taking advantage of those incentives, however, requires careful attention to the eligibility details and procedures.  


Gridly Incentive Optimization

Gridly handles all of the steps needed to collect your Mass Save® benefits.

  • First, we analyze your home's energy usage profile to confirm Mass Save® program eligibility. 
  • Next, we set up a plan to meet all of the requirements needed to collect the rebates.
  • Then, we manage all of the tasks needed to comply with Mass Save incentive procedures.
  • Finally, we submit the required documentation to the Mass Save® administrator and follow up with them as needed until you receive your rebates.

Your Solectrifcation action plan

Want to see an estimate of the potential financial and environmental benefits of Solectrifying your home?
Click the preview button and see Gridly's preliminary analysis of your home. 
Ready to begin? Click "Get Started" and schedule a consultation with your Gridly advisor.
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