Home Appliance Energy Consumption


The array of major appliances in your home is likely to be consuming a surprisingly large chunk of your overall energy usage, including fossil fuels. In fact, while heating, cooling, and hot water heating make up 75% of overall home energy usage in cold climate regions of the US, your washer/dryer and your cooking appliances are next in line as the biggest energy ‘eaters.’
kitchen appliances

First, take a closer look at any fossil fuel based appliances

Checking your cooking fuel (gas or propane) and the fuel that is supplying power to your washing machine and dryer (natural gas) is a good way to zero in on eliminating fossil fuels throughout your home.  

Common appliances that make up modern life include the following:

  • Cooking appliances—stoves, cooktops, and ovens: convert to induction cooktops
  • Washer/dryer—could be gas-powered and converted to heat pump technology
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Then, check your full appliance set and read the labels

The thing with appliances is, they’re always plugged in regardless of direct usage at any given moment. Many of them have to be (case in point: you can’t just unplug the fridge). This is the exact reason that major appliances put a constant strain on overall energy consumption at our home and why it’s imperative that we consider appliances that are highly efficient out of the box. We know what you’re thinking. What? This isn’t a class in nutrition, is it? The short answer is “no.” But, if we’re being honest, both subjects are, at their core, all about consumption. What are we looking at to accomplish optimal, efficient output?

When it comes to home appliance energy consumption, read the labels on the box. They’ll tell you exactly what you can expect when you take that appliance home and plug it into the electric outlet. Consider highly efficient, Energy Star-rated appliances to help optimize your overall home energy usage.

mom and daughter doing laundry

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